Saturday, October 01, 2005

Was browsing tis blog which i had stopped a long time... wOWW...the last time i blogged exactly a yr ago... dunno wat up w mi.. back to this bloggin game... welll... dunno if ani1 stil rem this site of mine haahaha... afterall, i haven been blogging.. until lately using the friendster blog... Hmm, tink i wil jz stick back to this blog.. aniwae..below is the one part i had post in friendster..N i m back to this bloggin game haahhahahaahhahahaha...

A day to remember
Todae is 30/9/05. Dunno y, feel so lonely... is it because i m now in vietnam? Or is it because it 30th? I had actuali planned something on this dae... but i tink i can jz throw this plan aside... The last time i blog was a year ago.. dunno y i start this blogging game again... Sian? bo liao? i also dunno... Jz nw i called him... he doesnt seem to be interested to talk to mi...or m i being oversensitive.. afterall, i have no rites over his life animore.. he is no longer mine.. Someone ever told mi, when a man made a decision, he reali meant it... a guy think before he make a decision... mayb watever i do now is too late.. i dunno.. something are better to b left unknown.. but i tink perhap i know too much..the wound is too deep to recover.... even if it ever recovered, it wil leave a scar....Hw i wish i nv know him b4.. perhap it will be better for both of us.. love reali hurts..sometimes i reali wish for a second chance, but tink back... perhap it good for us to remain what we are now... who know abt the future.. i dunno.. Or m i pinnin on that a little day.. ...B it stoopid or what, rite now.. i reali wish for his happiness... to continue livin his life to the fullest.. jz like his msn nick...

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