Tuesday, January 10, 2006

it a Holidae... keke... My plan for todae.. Rest @ Home..Mummi been naggin mi to tidy up my room... no choice..new yr comin...keke... gng to be busi this whole comin wk...Sat alone.. meetin 3 grps of friens..tink i gng crazi...somemore fri nite gng to MOS w my colleagues..tink it better for mi to re-schedule my plan...else, i dun tink i can tahan until sundae...grrrrrr...New yr comin... yet i stil haven shop for my new yr clothes...i do hav new clothings if i dun hav the time to shop..But one thing common abt all the clothes i bought..it all in BLACK colour...tink my parents faces will be reali BLACK if my whole outfit is black on new yr dae..keke..Gues proberly i hav to search for some mix n match...Rainin again..When will the rain stop... Grrrrrrr... sian sian sian..

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