Monday, July 27, 2009

Friends told me I treasure friendship too much..
Too affected by friend's betrayal ( perhaps the word is too strong)...
Still it is a fact...
By a friend perhaps who does not treat me as a friend...
Actions that had caused disappointments...
I have no answers to this behavior of my friend...
Self-reflected for a long time,
I knew I am not in the wrong, the very least...
And that all it matters....

How valuable is a friendship?
Years of love have been forgot in the hatred of a minute..
It makes mi wonder why there are such friends....
Indeed a very questionable question....

When friends ask me about it, I only replied....
"If this is the Sarah u have know me for so long, I have nothing to say..."

And I am glad I got friends' supports and encouragements...
Theirs words and concern becomes the pillars of my strength....

And CH told me this...

Your strength is also your weakness...Your concern for friends is to the max but it affecting you when the other party doesn't appreciate, in fact betraying u....The person ultimately who gets hurts in the end is always yourself...

Perhaps I should learn to take things easy....
Why bother when the other doesn't appreciate...

This is life...
Full of unexpected events....
A learning process for me...
Ups and downs.....
Although i go through it the hard way....
Still I learned....

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