Thursday, March 05, 2009

Time really flew.. Christine posted our sec days photos in facebook.. I thought she was joking when she told us during a meet up....

I looked so toot during the younger days..Polo-T tucked in shorts...
If not mistaken, is it the fashion that time? heee

♥ Sec 3

And i realized.. the scar....the terrible accident I had on 24 Dec when I am in sec 2....

Fall down from a bicycle during a chalet stay @ East Coast Park.. As the place was too wu lu, I ended walked for at least half an hour with blood from the exposed wound flowing down from my knee to toe under the hot sun..

And NO ONE offered to help me at all.. Just glued their eyes on me with my broken spectacles, and there I m, slowly "strolling" bicycle beside me.. Blood can be seen flowing down from my face, hand and leg but nobody even bothered to offer me a tissue...

The scar still remains till this day .... But compared to the below picture, it healed much much much X 10 times better...

Celebrated our dear Haz bday @ Sakae Sushi.... My 4th visit to sashimi in 2 weeks.. I m simply so in love with swordfish sashimi.... And C gave me a new nickname...

===== >>> Fish killer (What a nick) =_=

♥ Power 4

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