Sunday, June 21, 2009

Weekends alway pass so fast... and tml is Monday again....
cough still persist after 2 weeks... Arrgg...wish i can recover soon....

Been a mth of wedding/ROM invitations...And a very big hole in my pocket... Wooooooo....
But only attending the 1st 2 , Ying n my cousin....

And the world is so qiao, the guy @ St james is my cousin's helper for the nite.....Gosh.....

Johanthan's Wedding

This is my MAMA
The 1st time all cousins come together
Cute?? This is "NATURALLY" cute
The Underworld look
And all the other funny postures
And yes, wonder who the next one coming up....

To be continued...

Oh yeah, how can i forget our dearest Ais's ___ nite @ St James...
MD told me he don't believe it, but well...
TRUTH is sooooo hard to accept @ times.....

She rocks, doesn't she....

Of coz, not forgetting the birthday boy on that day too.....

Happy Birthday
I truly believe something had happened for a reason... If not for that incident that suppose to pull us further apart, it brings us to a higher level of understanding and trust we have for each other.. Unexpected event that results an unexpected conclusion... Truth shed it light unknowingly when we least expected it...

It only shows one thing, truth can never be hidden and will come to light one day...This incident made the both of us realize the importance of each other, learning from a bad experience and seen the ugly side of the human's nature...

Just as the saying goes, what never kills u makes u a stronger person.....

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