Sunday, July 19, 2009

I love it to bits
And Jol gg to get me more duck tongue when she is in HK....

Fri hang out w Power 6...
Ais brought us to try middle eastern food @ Zac cafe....

This time, we controlled ourselves to avoid "over" ordering of foods after our experience @ coffee club...
Fortunately, we managed to do it !

Our complimentary soup from the friendly manager......

And this lime with mint that really makes mi drool....

I dunno what the name of this dish.. But it something quite unusual and interesting....
Taste weird on 1st mouth, but it gets better after that....

As usual, my portion always turns out to be the largest and Haz always the smallest when I am the one who can't finish most of the time... =x

Haz and Feli were betting how much lamp racks i can finish....
But this time, they lost the bets...
Celebrated so called Ais "16th birthday" when her dessert arrive...Thanks to Haz, who asked the waiter to get a candle for the brownie..

Happy 16th birthday Mummy Ais

Full force
Pictures @ Hotel Continental

Our 6 pictures taken by 6 passerby
Met up w April, our long await meetup....
With her around, spending is always UNcontrollable...
Especially when comes to eating, it totally UNlimitable...

Our dinner @ Shokudo is the best evidence
She finished at least 70% of the food on the table...
Totally unbelievable...

Our last stop @ Acid bar after dinner, with CP joining us..
The liveband was good...
Relaxing nite....
Us, with our drinksAdd Image

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